Island Health Website

Revitalizing Island Health's website for an intuitive user experience

Project Overview

Island Health is a prominent healthcare facility in Anacortes, Washington serving over 130,000 locals. However, their website lacked the functionality that should accompany such a popular hospital.

In order to properly redesign their site our team researched the pain points of users, audited and mapped the site, designed paper and digital wireframes, created interactive prototypes, and conducted usability tests.


Island Health's navigation and information architecture was difficult to follow causing users to be deterred when trying to find information.

Pages usually led the user to a phone number, which increased daily phone calls to be more than what their office could handle. Patients who were unable to physically visit the hospital to schedule an appointment experienced high wait times to talk to Island Health's office.

Client Goals & Alignment

While auditing Island Health's site, we took this time to align with the marketing team on their goals for the site.

Navigation was the highest priority for Island Health. There is a high quantity of information while the organization of information is poorly executed. Our team's goal was to map out the site information architecture, then research users to understand how to best reorganize the site navigation.

Our second priority related to pages ending with a phone number as the call-to-action (CTA). Making sure we aligned on feasibility, our team's goal was to reduce the amount of calls the office received by making information more attainable within the site.

Competitive Analysis

We began our research with a competitive analysis on large healthcare sites to discover opportunities for the organization of Island Health's website.

User Survey

We created two surveys for internal and external users. Starting with umbrella questions and HMWs, we brainstormed what questions to ask our users. After gathering data, we organized the significant findings and opportunities.

User Interviews

Conducting user interviews led to crucial findings regarding what information patients call about and their current pain points.

Information Architecture

After completing an audit of their entire site, I mapped out their current site and started brainstorming better ways to organize their information. This was quite a challenge with so many pages within the navigation.


During the wireframing stages, we designed multiple iterations starting from sketches through high-fidelity wireframes. I focused heavily on navigation to make sure important information was easy to find for users.

Final Navigation

After approval from the client, we nailed down the final design for the navigation! Focusing on clarity for the user led to structuring the navigation into categories that were from their perspective.

Usability Testing

Before launch, we meticulously tested the site updating any content that the client wanted changed, tested responsiveness, accessibility, links, etc.

Project Overview

Island Health is a prominent healthcare facility in Anacortes, Washington serving over 130,000 locals. However, their website lacked the functionality that should accompany such a popular hospital.

In order to properly redesign their site our team researched the pain points of users, audited and mapped the site, designed paper and digital wireframes, created interactive prototypes, and conducted usability tests.


Island Health's navigation and information architecture was difficult to follow causing users to be deterred when trying to find information.

Pages usually led the user to a phone number, which increased daily phone calls to be more than what their office could handle. Patients who were unable to physically visit the hospital to schedule an appointment experienced high wait times to talk to Island Health's office.